Friday, April 29, 2011


Well this years Easter was a little different than usual. I ended up in the ER on Saturday with a nasty sprained ankle, due to a large pothole in Home Depot's parking lot...and ended up on crutches and bedrest through most of the weekend and following week....somehow in spite of all that, we ended up having a great Easter, just us our little family...

My sweet mother in law Diane made us dinner of ham and potatoes, and we celebrated just us..on Easter morning the boys dyed Easter eggs with daddy, and found all their yummy treats from the Easter Bunny....Jake wants to notate that the Easter Bunny hid his basket in the OVEN...AGAIN....hmm gonna have to leave a note for that bunny for next year;)

Wyatt had no trouble finding his, along with the eggs and the yummy treats....all in all it was a good day....we are so thankful to Heavenly Father for our blessings, and are grateful to Jesus for all his sacrifices he has made for us....

Wyatt's is the yellow basket, Jake's is the blue...

Jake's basket was hidden in the oven by the Easter bunny
Silly bunny, he put Jake's basket in the Oven

Wyatt's was hidden in the Blanket box....

The bunny gave him some ninjas to play with

Wyatt coloring Easter Eggs

Jake coloring Easter Eggs

Daddy tried to make a golden egg....

Mommy laid up with a sprained fun..

Beautiful job by the boys..they even made mom some "fru fru" eggs, as Ryan put it all blinged out with glitter...

Good thing we decorated the easter cookies the weekend before mom could help

Finished product..Easter cookies

Wyatt and Jake busy decorating Easter cookies


Way to go Wyatt...pretty easter cookie
Happy Easter Everyone!


Well I think the title speaks for itself.....Ryan Graduated from Weber State University with his Bachelors in Political Science, minoring in legal studies....I am so proud of him...Sorry this is a little late posting, it's been a busy week...

Ryan, glad to be graduated

Walking to receive his diploma

So excited for Daddy, the little boy in the middle is Jake's friend Trenton, who happened to be at the graduation for one of his family members.

So handsome

Wanna be just like daddy:)

Happy Wilkinson Family

Ryan and his proud momma Diane

Of course we had to celebrate with a party and cake!

We had a nice dinner

Doesn't that smile say it all??

It was Katelyn's 6th birthday that day too so we sang to her and celebrated her birthday along with Ryan's was a great day!
First let me tell you it has been a long road, and he's not done yet...but boy was that moment sweet watching my dedicated husband receive his diploma....what a way to start our weekend... He graduated on Friday April 22, 2011 at the Dee Events Center in Ogden. We were so happy for all the family that could attend.

As you can see we had a very fun day....way to go honey! I am excited to start our new chapter in Houston, Texas when we leave for law school.....
Ryan and his proud pappa Kieth

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today was a really fun day for me, I made for those who know me, I am not the most craft oriented person in the world....I often get jealous of those who seem to come by this ability to create something from nothing.

I usually end up messing up the project, and getting discouraged and shoving everything back into the closet and sulking for a few hours....well not today ladies and gentlemen...may I present to you my blocks....

These I made a while ago...they actually turned out cute, so it prompted me to try again....and here's the result...

My wonderful sister Mandy helped me today, she is so sweet..we had a lot of fun.

This one isn't my favorite, but it turned out ok....

So there you have it folks, we have made progress with my ability to be somewhat sewing on the other hand, that is a whole different subject....just ask Ryan....

We had all four little boys running amok while we tried to make these lovely sister's two kids, Logan & Jacen, and my two little rugrats Jake & Wyatt

Ryan came home in the midst of this chaos and promptly went to sleep.....tells you how interested he was....but who can blame him, he's been workin so hard to get to graduation day.....which is FRIDAY!! Ya Ryan you are awesome...I will post pics from Graduation when I get them.....

Friday, April 15, 2011


Okay, so today was a boring day...and by boring I mean borrrrrrrrinnnnnnggggggggg! Laundry all day long, sorting through the winter clothes and ushering in the spring clothes......what a nightmare!

Glad to have it almost done....started around 9:30 this morning, and I am finally almost finished at 11:12PM:) Ya!!!

Anyways, now that I got that off my chest, I feel loads (haha) better...

Tomorrow we get to do the grocery shopping thing....yikes....that's always hectic with the kids in tow....

Jake plays soccer tomorrow for his team "the green dragons" should be fun! He loves soccer and is good at making goals....Ryan can't wait for him to be able to start me on the other hand, I am apprehensive! That's my baby I am sending out there, I even asked Ryan if it's flag football (thinking that flag football is less physical) ...his response, "yes except they tackle, and there are no flags..."   hmm I think it's regular football.....SCARY for his mother fun for Jake.....

Wyatt is so hilarious, he draws monsters on his chalkboard, but we have to make sure to erase them once it's bedtime, otherwise he gets scared....
I love being a mom to these two wonderful boys...they are such fun kiddos..

Jake playing for the "GREEN DRAGONS"

Wyatt being a cheeser!

Jake..can't believe how grown up he is becoming:)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The latest happenings....

Well, it looks like the Wilkinson's are headed for Houston, Texas...Ryan got accepted to Thurgood Marshall school of law @ at TSU...I have been holding my breath waiting for a response to the school in Wyoming, since that is only about 7 hours away, instead of 28.......still haven't heard anything, but it doesn't look good. I would have thought they would have sent something by here goes, I am almost officially accepting the fact that I will be living in Texas for the next 2-3 years.

Wyatt @ the treehouse museum...I guess this is what he will start wearing in Texas:)

Jake yeeehaww!!!!

Jacen (their cousin), Wyatt, and Jake...playing cowboys at the Treehouse Museum
It will be worth it.... I know, but it is still hard to leave everything behind and start anew...Ryan is really excited to start a new chapter in our lives...why can I never seem to embrace change?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our Sunday

Well today was a great Sunday, I went and helped my mom this morning with some things, then we went to Nate's and Ryan cut me out some wood blocks.  I am going to make me some crafts....should be cute, the first attempt turned out pretty well! I will take some pictures once I get them done...  Jake and Wyatt love to go to Nate & Natalies to play with their kids, Tanner, Katelyn, Jenna & little baby Aaron....they would stay all day if they could!

We came home, made a delicious dinner together, and I found some time to scrapbook...amazingly enough my children played while I updated Wyatt's baby book.....It was nice to be able to do that, I don't have as much time to sit and do that as I would like, as one of my kiddos seems to get into something and make a mess as soon as my scrapbook gets pulled out of the closet:) Funny boys...

Jake went shooting with his Dad, Uncle Nate, Uncle Darius, and cousin Tanner.  He had a blast.  I must say it was weird for me to see him shooting a was really safe at the shooting range, and Darius took a video clip of it....of course Ryan couldn't wait for me to see it.....but that's my baby, no matter how old he gets! I guess it's a good thing for him to know how to safely be around guns....but still...6, is...well you get the point.

  Wyatt had to stay with me since he is too young to go, boy was he mad!! But once Levi got here he was okay...until he got jealous because I was holding Levi and not him....not too fun once he figured out that I can't get to him as fast with a baby in my needless to say he got into everything, and started being naughty...I had to convince him it's much funner to be nice and play, then to have to sit in timeout.....after a while he settled down and we played with was fun.

Jake, Wyatt, and Levi...they love this baby!

Wyatt, wearing one of his silly outfits!! Isn't he cute?

Jake when he was 3, I couldn't resist this picture is just too cute!!

Wyatt with Stacie's baby Levi
 Anyways gonna hit the hay, I am tired tonight after a full day of full day...I will leave with a few cute pictures...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My cute family

Wyatt & Jake with Grandma Diane in the background

Jake 6 yrs old, just lost his front tooth!

Ryan, Jake & Wyatt
 Here's some cute pictures of our boys, Jake and Wyatt...they keep us on our toes, but they are so much fun!

All set up!

Wow! I am finally on here to blog, amazingly enough I did it myself.  Ryan usually has to help me get set up with computer things, but this time I did it!! Yes, I am patting myself on the back because normally I am not the most computer savy...

I can't wait to share my life with you all, it's crazy sometimes, but as my title states, it is the "Wonderful World of the Wilkinson's" It's pretty great this life I lead, I can't wait to post some pictures and keep updating the days of our lives.....yes I know that's from a soap opera, but hey what do you expect from a first time blogger!