Ok, so sorry I have not been on here for an update. Life just kind of takes over sometimes and it is extremely hard to keep up with it all! We have been so busy here in our neck of the woods. I think the last time I was on here was October.....whoops! Well, here's what we've been up to, Ryan is still crazy busy with law school, he is doing great and is loving it....(most of the time:) I just finished up another semester of school and get to take the summer semester off!!! Yes! I need a break.....Jake has almost completed first grade...wow! amazing how fast time flies. Wyatt is growing up so fast. He knows how to write his name now. We celebrated his birthday in January, and I can't believe that my two boys are growing so fast. I love them so much and they are the best little boys. We have almost been in Texas for a year. We have had a wonderful time exploring our surroundings, and have been making lot's of new friends here in Texas. We are gearing up for another HOT HOT HOT HUMID summer. Ugh. We are finally starting to feel at home here, it's amazing that Ryan's almost done with his first year in Law school. I am so proud of him, he works so hard and is so dedicated to school and our family.
Anyway here are a few pictures, they will go back to Christmas and into Wyatt's birthday.... I will be better at posting and will update more often. I promise:)
Christmas 2011..Jake is holding his class pet Seefu that he got to keep all of Christmas vacation. He got to log into WebKinz and take care of this pet almost the whole month of December. He did a great job...And Wyatt is dressed as an Elf. He wore this hat constantly throughout december:) |
Jake with his class pet Seefu the Monkey. |
Wyatt wearing on of his favorite hats, we were packing getting ready for our trip to Utah and he found it and wanted to wear it daily. |
Jake and his friend Jonathan from school. |
Grandma Diane, we stayed with her in Utah over the holidays and here she is dancing to the music |
Wyatt dancing with the Santa hat on |
Ryan, relaxing as an Elf |
LOVE this picture of Ryan and Wyatt |
Wyatt with Grandma Diane. We went bowling and Wyatt was Grandma's buddy the whole time:) |
Another fun activity we did while in Utah, was go ice skating. Jake and Wyatt had never been. Here's Ryan trying to keep Jake on his feet... |
Wyatt loved it. We found some cones for him to skate around with and it helped him to stay upright |
Grammy Di and her buddy Wyatt |
Wyatt starting to get the hang of ice skating |
Wyatt turned 4 in January |
Wyatt on his birthday can't believe he is already 4 |
Made Wyatt a Diego cake. It was pumpkin with cream cheese frosting. This is our family favorite. |
Jake and Wyatt with Wyatt's Diego cake |
Wyatt loved his note I wrote him on his birthday. He wanted his picture taken with it to show it off. Cute boy! |
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